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Anaheim One started the 2025 Monster Energy supercross season this weekend and, as is often the case, the results defied most predictions. The big winner of the night was Chase Sexton, who steadily pulled away from Ken Roczen throughout most of the main. The first lap had most of the action. Jet Lawrence went down in the first turn. Then Eli Tomac, who was in the lead, crashed on the first lap. Both riders had to charge through the pack while Jason Anderson led the early laps. When Sexton came to the front, there was no stopping him. Anderson held on for third, Romance caught up to sixth and Jett Lawrence, after at least one more crash, settled for 12th. It was a similar story for Haiden Deegan in the 250 class. He crashed at the start while Jo Shimoda got the lead away from Garrett Marchbanks in the first few turns. Then Jo rode perfect laps to take the win. Deegan caught up to fifth.

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1. Chase Sexton
2. Ken Roczen
3. Jason Anderson
4. Cooper Webb
5. Eli Tomac
6. Justin Barcia
7. Justin Cooper
8. Justin Hill
9. Aaron Plessinger
10. Malcolm Stewart
11. Hunter Lawrence
12. Jett Lawrence
13. Shane McElrath
14. Jorge Prado (HS)
15. Vince Friese
16. Mitchell Oldenburg
17. Mitchell Harrison
18. Freddie Noren
19. Ryan Breece
20. Kyle Chisholm
21. Joey Savatgy
22. Benny Bloss

1. Jo Shimoda
2. Julien Beaumer
3. Jordon Smith
4. Ryder Difrancesco
5. Haiden Deegan
6. Coty Schock
7. Anthony Bourdon
8. Cole Davies
9. Garrett Marchbanks (HS)
10. Cole Thompson
11. Lux Turner
12. Avery Long
13. Hunter Yoder
14. Tj Albright
15. Michael Mosiman
16. Max Miller
17. Parker Ross
18. Noah Viney
19. Gavin Towers
20. Stilez Robertson
21. Joshua Varize
22. Jett Reynolds

450 HEAT 1
1. Ken Roczen
2. Jason Anderson
3. Justin Cooper
4. Cooper Webb
5. Jett Lawrence
6. Justin Hill
7. Benny Bloss
8. Shane McElrath
9. Mitchell Oldenburg
10. Freddie Noren
11. Dylan Ferrandis (HS)
12. Austin Politelli
13. Jerry Robin
14. Grant Harlan
15. Scott Meshey
16. Hunter Schlosser
17. Alex Nagy
18. Marshal Weltin
19. Justin Starling
20. Anthony Rodriguez

450 HEAT 2
1. Chase Sexton
2. Jorge Prado
3. Justin Barcia (HS)
4. Hunter Lawrence
5. Eli Tomac
6. Aaron Plessinger
7. Joey Savatgy
8. Vince Friese
9. Kyle Chisholm
10. Cade Clason
11. Kevin Moranz
12. Tristan Lane
13. Mitchell Harrison
14. Ryan Breece
15. Colt Nichols
16. Justin Rodbell
17. Logan Karnow
18. Jared Lesher
19. Gared Steinke
20. Malcolm Stewart

250W HEAT 1
1. Haiden Deegan
2. Cole Davies
3. Hunter Yoder
4. Jo Shimoda
5. Garrett Marchbanks
6. Stilez Robertson
7. Max Miller
8. Noah Viney
9. Coty Schock
10. Gavin Towers
11. Dominique Thury
12. Preston Masciangelo
13. Billy Laninovich
14. Slade Varola
15. Brock Bennett
16. Scotty Wennerstrom
17. Kai Aiello
18. Evan Ferry
19. Dylan Walsh
20. Braden Spangle

250W HEAT 2
1. Julien Beaumer
2. Jordon Smith (HS)
3. Ryder Difrancesco
4. Cole Thompson
5. Lux Turner
6. Michael Mosiman
7. Jett Reynolds
8. Joshua Varize
9. Anthony Bourdon
10. Avery Long
11. Parker Ross
12. Tj Albright
13. Brad West
14. Reven Gordon
15. Kyle Wise
16. Talon Hawkins
17. Ludovic MacLer
18. Josh Greco
19. Devin Harriman
20. Max Sanford


The post 2025 ANAHEIM 1 SX RESULTS appeared first on Dirt Bike Magazine.

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